Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Python - Slicing and Dicing Dataframes


Slicing and Dicing Dataframes

You have seen how to do indexing of dataframes using df.iloc and df.loc. Now, let's see how to subset dataframes based on certain conditions.

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# loading libraries and reading the data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("../global_sales_data/market_fact.csv")

Subsetting Rows Based on Conditions

Often, you want to select rows which satisfy some given conditions. For e.g., select all the orders where the Sales > 3000, or all the orders where 2000 < Sales < 3000 and Profit < 100.

Arguably, the best way to do these operations is using df.loc[], since df.iloc[] would require you to remember the integer column indices, which is tedious.

Let's see some examples.

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# Select all rows where Sales > 3000
# First, we get a boolean array where True corresponds to rows having Sales > 3000
df.Sales > 3000
In [ ]:
# Then, we pass this boolean array inside df.loc
df.loc[df.Sales > 3000]
In [ ]:
# An alternative to df.Sales is df['Sales]
# You may want to put the : to indicate that you want all columns
# It is more explicit 
df.loc[df['Sales'] > 3000, :]
In [ ]:
# We combine multiple conditions using the & operator
# E.g. all orders having 2000 < Sales < 3000 and Profit > 100
df.loc[(df.Sales > 2000) & (df.Sales < 3000) & (df.Profit > 100), :]
In [ ]:
# The 'OR' operator is represented by a | (Note that 'or' doesn't work with pandas)
# E.g. all orders having 2000 < Sales  OR Profit > 100
df.loc[(df.Sales > 2000) | (df.Profit > 100), :]
In [ ]:
# E.g. all orders having 2000 < Sales < 3000 and Profit > 100
# Also, this time, you only need the Cust_id, Sales and Profit columns
df.loc[(df.Sales > 2000) & (df.Sales < 3000) & (df.Profit > 100), ['Cust_id', 'Sales', 'Profit']]
In [ ]:
# You can use the == and != operators 
df.loc[(df.Sales == 4233.15), :]
df.loc[(df.Sales != 1000), :]
In [ ]:
# You may want to select rows whose column value is in an iterable
# For instance, say a colleague gives you a list of customer_ids from a certain region

customers_in_bangalore = ['Cust_1798', 'Cust_1519', 'Cust_637', 'Cust_851']

# To get all the orders from these customers, use the isin() function
# It returns a boolean, which you can use to select rows
df.loc[df['Cust_id'].isin(customers_in_bangalore), :]

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